The Quest

                                                                      In Loving memory of my father James W.Rice


                                                                                 A simple boy he was born
                                                                                from his family he was finally torn
                                                                               the search for answers was his quest
                                                                               the answers he was given were his jest
                                                                               he understood not which were best
                                                                              through this life he searched in thought
                                                                              what he longed for was never brought
                                                                              and then it ended as it had begun
                                                                             a simple man with answers none.
                                                                                      Donald W.Rice

                                                                               Copyright ©2005 Donald W Rice 

My dad was a hard working man.He enjoyed playing his guitar and singing blue grass music.He was, as long as I can remember, a devout Jehovah's witness.As was my mother.He worked hard to take care of his family.He was raised on a farm in West Virginia and came from a big family.
   It was a Tuesday morning, February 23,1971.My dad got up early to go to work ,as he always did, at the Chrysler Corporation, in Newark, Delaware.On his way to work he ran off the road in his Volkswagen.The car rolled over several times,throwing him out of the car.He was taken to the hospital in Elkton, Md.
   He was examined at the hospital and at first it was said he only had minor injuries and would be kept  a while for observation. After more than ten hours the doctors finally read his x-ray and discovered he had a ruptured spleen and had been hemorrhaging severely inside. The doctors said he needs blood and his chances for survival would be much better with a transfusion. He said he didn't want a blood transfusion and my mom told the doctors the same thing.After the operation his heart stopped several times and finally it couldn't be started. The strain from his heart being over worked from a lack of blood most likely caused his death.
   There is, in my opinion, a big difference between "drinking blood", as some people do trying to worship Satan, and taking the blood into your body to save your life. Taking blood in a transfusion is giving blood the highest honor as the life force.It's a sad part of life that so many people die needlessly for religious beliefs.If only people would live the life they have now,like no other exists, maybe life would be better for all
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